Sweet sweet dreamers,

Since I’ve somewhat grown out of my dreamlist #1, it’s time to settle for a #2!!


  • get my business rockin’ready for take-off in september 2011
  • find a way to stay grounded and centered during the whole process of getting self-employed
  • find a work rythm that’s good for me: balanced time and space for creating, marketing and playing
  • keep my intuition in the driver’s seat (you’re doing a great job up there in front, thank you!)
  • get access to the unbound child in me that can play with my daughter without using this grown-up fancy mind of mine
  • a new bathroom, an organised garage, a red-painted facade, a laid out garden, a separate working space, a new dining room -WHAAAA!
  • an ecological car (electric)
  • hiking in Ireland(again! it’s been 4 years ago since the first time and my soul is longing to go back, I felt so carried, supported, sustained by earth and nature, it’s a magical country, the very SOIL is magic)
  • go to parties -like A LOT!!
  • get my dance groove on, every day

  • use my natural talent for sacred dance to orientate and ground myself, to regenerate, to clarify, to soothe…
  • surrender to love of my life TNC, not closing myself for what he has to offer, this gorgeous mysterious soul

Now let’s see… if the magic of writing it down works as fast with this one as it did with #1!!

      SO… what are YOUR big dreams ?

The Universe and I are listening…very closely…



PS: happy mother’s day to y’all mamas!!